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Meet Andrew – Our Chief Executive Officer

By August 26, 2024No Comments

At SuiteFiles, we’re proud to have a team that blends deep industry expertise with a passion for innovation. At the head of our stellar senior leadership team sits Andrew Sims, our Chief Executive Officer, whose wealth of expertise and market insights steer us in the right direction.

We recently sat down with Andrew to get insights into his professional journey and the mindset of success he brings to SuiteFiles. 


What was the driving force that inspired you to start SuiteFiles? 

You know, SuiteFiles started the way many great ideas do—a casual conversation between mates. It wasn’t about the latest rugby game; it was about a gap we saw in the market for a document management system designed specifically for professional services. This was around the time Microsoft 365 was launching, which we knew would change the game for workplaces. But there was a catch—tools like SharePoint were just too complex for many businesses to set up effectively. 

We thought there had to be a better way, so we created SuiteFiles. The idea was simple: make it easier for businesses to use the cloud confidently and efficiently. Our pitch to Rod Drury, the founder of Xero, really solidified our direction. He saw the potential, and that partnership helped kick everything into high gear. 

Since then, we’ve grown from a basic document management system to a comprehensive intelligent workspace that’s now serving over 12,000 users globally. SuiteFiles isn’t just about managing files anymore; it’s about transforming how businesses operate digitally. We set out to simplify cloud adoption but ended up redefining business workflows entirely. It’s been quite the journey! 

Can you share what motivated you to pursue a career in IT and how has that influenced your leadership style at SuiteFiles? 

Interestingly, I never initially intended to pursue a career in IT; my first love was forestry, where I spent the first four years of my working life. My inadvertent introduction to IT began there with technology projects like automating weighbridges and implementing central tire inflation technology, which adjusts tire pressure based on road conditions. This required a lot of data crunching and spreadsheet management, which eventually led me to a career in IT during my move to the UK. This was around the time the Euro was being introduced and Y2K fears were at their peak, so there was a lot of demand for making spreadsheets presentable and automating financial data for traders. 

Reflecting on how this influenced my leadership style at SuiteFiles, the collaborative and team-dependent nature of forestry work—where safety and efficiency rely on working closely with others—has deeply influenced how I foster team camaraderie and connections. The ability to rely on one another and operate in sync, which was critical in forestry, translates into creating a supportive and cooperative team environment in the tech space. 

What are some core principles you believe are crucial for scaling a technology company in today’s digital-first landscape? 

The most crucial principle for scaling in today’s digital-first landscape is having a clear and compelling vision. If you’re not crystal clear about what you’re aiming to achieve, it’s very likely that your team will be confused, which can prevent everyone from pulling in the same direction. A clear vision helps everyone on the team understand their role and how it contributes to the larger goals of the organization, thereby fostering a unified effort towards scaling the business effectively. 

How do you think cloud computing is reshaping the way small and medium-sized businesses operate? 

Cloud computing has been a game-changer for small to medium-sized businesses by democratizing access to powerful tools that were previously available only to larger corporations with significant resources. These tools can rapidly accelerate business operations by providing insights that were once out of reach due to cost, complexity, or expertise requirements. Nowadays, small businesses can engage with sophisticated applications and data analytics that allow them to make informed decisions quickly, without the overhead of managing extensive IT infrastructure. 

What key values do you prioritize in building a team and how do these values impact the company culture at SuiteFiles? 

In building a team, I prioritize a can-do attitude and a willingness to embrace challenges, even if the path isn’t fully understood at the outset. This approach fosters a culture of curiosity and tenacity, where team members are motivated to explore solutions and persist through challenges. We value team players who are committed to personal and group growth, mirroring the dedication seen in team sports where consistent practice and mutual reliance are key. This creates a culture where everyone feels responsible not just for their own tasks but for contributing to the success of the team as a whole, enhancing our collaborative efforts and collective success. 

What emerging technologies are you excited about and how might they influence the future of SuiteFiles? 

I’m particularly excited about the potential of artificial intelligence to transform how we work by automating routine tasks and enhancing our capabilities to perform more high-value activities. At SuiteFiles, we are looking to integrate AI to streamline our processes, making our tools even more intuitive and efficient for our users. This integration will not only improve user experience but also free up our clients to focus on strategic tasks that can significantly impact their businesses. The future of SuiteFiles is tied to how well we can harness these intelligent technologies to enhance our product offerings and help our users achieve greater efficiencies. 


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Riley Malins

Author Riley Malins

Riley's expert advice on streamlining your business processes with SuiteFiles.

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