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Meet Roshni – Our Customer Success Manager

By May 6, 2024No Comments

At SuiteFiles, we’re proud to have a team that blends deep industry expertise with a passion for innovation. Among our stellar senior leadership team is Roshni Mortensen, our Customer Success Manager, whose wealth of expertise and customer experience empowers us to continue growing. We recently sat down with Roshni to get insights into her professional journey and the mindset of customer success she brings to SuiteFiles. 


Meet Rosh!

How do you define success in your role as a Customer Success Manager at SuiteFiles?

Success in my role hinges on the tangible benefits that clients experience from using SuiteFiles. It’s not just about them using the software, but how it transforms their operations. Success means seeing a marked improvement in their productivity and efficiency. When clients tell us that SuiteFiles has simplified their processes and made their day-to-day tasks easier, that’s a real indicator of success. Ultimately, it’s about making sure that every client feels they have a partner in their corner who is genuinely invested in their success. 


Can you describe a typical client journey from onboarding to ongoing support with SuiteFiles? 

A typical client journey at SuiteFiles is thoroughly mapped out from the outset. Once a client decides to join us, we start with a detailed discovery session to understand their current digital workspace and identify how SuiteFiles can streamline their processes. This personalized onboarding ensures that when we migrate their data, everything is optimized for their specific needs. Post-onboarding, clients aren’t just left to their own devices; they receive continuous support and regular check-ins to ensure they are comfortable and satisfied with the product. As they grow and their needs evolve, we’re there to guide them through adding and optimizing features, always ensuring they are getting the most out of their investment. 


How do you gather and utilize customer feedback to improve SuiteFiles’ features and services? 

Customer feedback is a goldmine of insights and forms the backbone of our development strategy. We actively seek feedback through multiple touchpoints—be it through direct interactions, support tickets, surveys, or informal check-ins. This feedback is compiled and reviewed with our product teams to identify patterns or specific requests that can influence our product roadmap. This collaborative process ensures that we are not just fixing bugs, but also innovatively enhancing our platform to meet emerging client needs, keeping our service user-centric and relevant. 


How do you ensure that clients fully utilize all the features that SuiteFiles offers, especially those that might not be immediately obvious? 

Education is key to full feature utilization. We host webinars, create detailed guides, and provide one-on-one sessions as needed to walk clients through less visible features. Regular updates via newsletters and our blog also highlight tips and tricks that clients may not be aware of. Our approach is proactive; we don’t wait for clients to discover features on their own. Instead, we make it a point to showcase how these features can solve their specific problems during our regular review meetings. 


What strategies do you use to maintain high client engagement and satisfaction levels over time? 

To keep engagement high, we tailor our communication strategies to match the preferences of each client, ensuring that they feel supported in the manner most convenient to them. Our team is trained to not only respond to queries but to anticipate potential challenges and address them proactively. We celebrate client successes and milestones, which fosters a positive, supportive community feeling. Additionally, we continuously evolve our support offerings to include the latest tools and best practices, ensuring our clients always have access to cutting-edge resources. 


What milestones on your career journey prepared you best for your role with SuiteFiles? 

My early career in the dynamic environment of tourism management instilled a deep understanding of customer service, which has been invaluable. Transitioning to software customer support then provided a technical foundation and experience with digital tools, preparing me to effectively manage and support SuiteFiles’ clients. Each role taught me about the importance of adapting solutions to meet diverse customer needs, a skill that is central to my work today. 


What advice would you give someone just starting in their career in a Customer Success role? 

Starting in customer success, it’s vital to immerse yourself in the product and the customer’s experience. Be curious and eager to learn not just about the product you are offering but also about the industry you are serving. Strong communication skills are crucial—listen actively and empathize genuinely with your customers. Network extensively, both within and outside your company, and never stop looking for ways to improve your knowledge and skills. And remember, authenticity goes a long way; let your genuine interest in helping customers succeed shine through in every interaction. 


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Riley Malins

Author Riley Malins

Riley's expert advice on streamlining your business processes with SuiteFiles.

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