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How SuiteFiles Users Simplify Their Workday

By October 3, 2024No Comments

Meet Jane. She’s an accountant, and like most accountants, her day used to be filled with endless admin. She’d hop between apps like a digital frog on a lily pad—email here, a file there, a frantic search for a lost document somewhere in the depths of her desktop. But that was before SuiteFiles.

Today, Jane wakes up ready to focus on what she loves: helping her clients grow their businesses. Not wrestling with tedious admin tasks.

8:30 AM – The Morning Inbox Wrangle, Simplified

Before SuiteFiles, Jane’s inbox was her nemesis. Endless client emails, document requests, signing agreements—it was a chaotic juggling act. But now? She sits down with her morning coffee and thanks her past self for installing the SuiteFiles Outlook add-in. Every email from her clients is auto-saved to the right folder—automatically. No more hunting. No more dragging-and-dropping attachments like a 90s-era Windows user.

She thinks, “Admin: 0. Jane: 1.”

9:00 AM – The Client Call Prep, Without the App Maze

Jane’s client call is coming up, and she needs to pull together some documents. Normally, that would involve hopping between her practice management app, document management system, and about six tabs. But today? SuiteFiles Connect Client Portals has her back. She effortlessly pulls up the exact documents she needs, including her client’s signed contract—ready to review in real time.

Oh, and the best part? All those standard documents Jane uses for onboarding and contracts—she doesn’t need to create from scratch anymore. Thanks to SuiteFiles’ document templates, she can reuse pre-made templates, auto-populated with client data directly from her Karbon or Xero integrations. It’s a lifesaver when efficiency is key, and it turns hours of work into minutes.

11:00 AM – Document Signing Drama? Not Anymore

It’s mid-morning, and Jane receives a new document that needs a signature. Normally, she’d be toggling between apps or logging into a different tool just to get it done. But today, she clicks a few buttons in SuiteFiles and sends it out for signing faster than you can say “digital transformation.”

With SuiteFiles digital signing, she doesn’t need extra tools. No more emails bouncing back and forth. The whole process happens within SuiteFiles, and follow-ups are automated too. Jane can now spend her time doing, well, pretty much anything but worrying about signatures.

1:00 PM – The Lunch Break (Actual Lunch, Not Admin Catch-Up)

Jane enjoys her lunch in peace, something she never used to do. Why? Because she’s not spending it trying to catch up on admin tasks. Instead of frantically sending documents or fixing folder misplacements, SuiteFiles has already streamlined all those tasks earlier in the day.

By this point, Jane is starting to feel like maybe, just maybe, she’s found her work zen.

2:00 PM – The “I Forgot About That” Moment

Jane is reviewing a client’s financials when she suddenly realizes she needs to send them a report. In her old system, this would’ve involved fumbling around with files stored somewhere in a sea of apps. Now? She simply opens SuiteFiles, finds the folder instantly, and sends it off with no fuss.

SuiteFiles just made her day 10 times easier and 100% less frustrating.

3:00 PM – The Client Folder Dilemma, Solved

Remember the days of creating new folders for each client manually? Jane does. But with SuiteFiles Bulk Folder Generation, she can now set up entire folder structures in one click. For her new client, she doesn’t need to worry about organizing everything from scratch. SuiteFiles has pre-made folder templates, and with one button, all folders are ready to go.

By 3:05, the new client’s documents are organized, the structure is in place, and Jane is back to doing the work she loves. The folder creation process that used to take 30 minutes? Now done in seconds. Jane is honestly questioning why she didn’t have SuiteFiles sooner.

4:00 PM – Wrapping Up (On Time!)

As the day comes to an end, Jane is struck by one thought: she actually finished everything she planned to do. She didn’t get bogged down by admin, didn’t spend hours wrestling with disjointed apps, and didn’t let the chaos of her day win. SuiteFiles kept everything streamlined, so she could focus on what matters—her clients, her team, and, honestly, her sanity.

And as Jane logs off, she smiles, knowing tomorrow will be just as efficient. SuiteFiles has turned her daily admin grind into smooth sailing.

If you’re like Jane—spending more time on admin than actually getting work done—it’s time to switch things up. With SuiteFiles, you’ll streamline your workflow, boost productivity, and focus on what really matters: your clients.

Riley Malins

Author Riley Malins

Riley's expert advice on streamlining your business processes with SuiteFiles.

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