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Starting the New Year organised (and staying that way)

By January 29, 2019April 5th, 2024No Comments

Summer Holidays are winding up and we’re all slowly making our way back to work. As most of the Suite team make their way into the office, organisation is at the top of our minds. A good portion of our workforce is partially remote during the summer, and we (like all businesses) have a lot to achieve in the first 3 months of the year. None of this is going to be possible without ensuring we’re deliberate in how we structure and organise our time. Easing back into the office is hard, and so we’ve asked some of the team to share their biggest focus for starting the New Year on the right foot.

Make the most of your task/project management tool – Roshni

It doesn’t matter what you use to manage your tasks, all the digital tools available today offer huge functionality. I start my day by opening my web browser and setting up my tabs so that I can easily see my tasks for the day first, and then the tasks my colleagues are focused on. It helps me to see what’s happening daily and weekly, and to be able to equate that to the long term focus or goal.

Read your email while noting the tasks within them – Andrew

Inbox Zero is a much talked about goal, and there’s no denying that it is a pleasant (albeit fleeting) experience. I start the day in my inbox, sorting and responding to emails as required. For those that are important, I file them straight into SuiteFiles from the app, and then create any tasks that have arisen from my inbox.

Set aside time to communicate with your colleagues – Amber

We have a lot of people at Suite who work in their specific area in isolation, but who collaborate on big projects. I make sure that I have time set aside to chat to my colleagues each week about anything we’re working on together, so that we’re all on the same page. It’s an hour a week in total, but it means everyone knows what’s happening, and it prevent spontaneous conversations and meetings from taking over the day, as everyone knows there’s a chance to go through the details and questions each week.

Take it one task at a time – Molly

Working across several updates, product developments and launches at a time means my mind is often on several things at once. But when it comes to sitting down and doing the work, I focus on one task at a time. No-one is truly capable of multi-tasking and allowing yourself to focus on one thing for a designated amount of time is significantly more productive then thinking you can jump between 2 or 3.

Celebrate the wins – Callum

The entire team meet once a week, on a Friday afternoon, to celebrate the wins of the week. This is valuable time for the team to chat and bond as well as to reflect on what has been achieved. It means each week ends with a clear idea of what we’ve achieved and allows our team to take the weekend to switch off, making them more productive when Monday rolls around. Celebration and rest are good for everyone!

Riley Malins

Author Riley Malins

Riley's expert advice on streamlining your business processes with SuiteFiles.

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