Introducing V.1 of our SuiteFiles Chrome plugin! This plugin largely provides a hygiene function, allowing us to hide certain buttons when users are viewing or editing Office documents in SuiteFiles through a Chrome browser.
We built this plugin as a direct response to feedback from users who were confused by the number of similar buttons that appear when opening an Office document. Unfortunately without the plugin, users will continue to see two sets of buttons when they open Office documents in the web app – one set of buttons belongs to SuiteFiles, while the other belongs to Office web apps, which SuiteFiles uses to allow editing online.
Unfotunately because the buttons in Office web apps are built into the interface, there is little SuiteFiles can do to hide them beyond using something like this Chrome plugin.
View of SuiteFiles without the Chrome plugin installed
View of SuiteFilew with the Chrome plugin
Our new Chrome plugin also allows users to view and edit documents in Full Screen mode for the first time. Simply choose which function you want to perform (viewing or editing) before going clicking the ‘Go Full Screen’ button.
Why Chrome?
Chrome is our recommended web browser when using SuiteFiles online. It allows us to provide the best experience possible for users.
How to download the Chrome plugin
In our new global navigation bar at the top of the app, you’ll see our app menu. Click on it to find the link to our SuiteFiles Chrome plugin. Follow the instructions to download.
We’re calling this V.1 because we have exciting plans to continue improving your experience of SuiteFiles through the plugin. We’d love to hear your thoughts about it, either here or by emailing
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