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Elevate 365

Maggie, the director of Elevate 365, recently answered some questions about her experience transitioning to, and using SuiteFiles.

Thanks to SuiteFiles, I haven't used my printer in well over a year

The problem

G Suite didn’t sync properly to Outlook, and as accountant and bookkeepers spend their lives in Excel and Word, it made sense to move to a cloud solution that fully integrated with and supported Microsoft 365. It was necessary to have document management that connected to XPM.

How we solved it

SuiteFiles and Microsoft 365 combined saved hours, and time is money. The mail merge into a word template alone saves hours. It makes it so easy to create a Letter of Engagement, and now that e-signing is available, SuiteFiles has become an end to end solution. SuiteFiles makes document storage and management easy without killing my brain! There are always new features being implemented and the support team are excellent, incredibly patient and always willing to help.


  • Google Drive syncing to XPM
  • G suite instead of Microsoft 365
  • Constant need to print


  • Hours saved through templates
  • Able to sign digitally
  • Continued support and new features

Key benefits

  • SuiteFiles makes document storage in the cloud easy
  • Saving emails straight to the relevant client files ensures communication is centralised
  • Drive means that anyone can access SuiteFiles without the usual learning barriers of moving to the cloud
  • Able to access all documents from within XPM

Tips & tricks

Make use of SuiteFiles’ email templates

  • It’s time to break the habit of writing generic emails manually. Simply set email templates and fill them with the information you’re interested in. While only a small adjustment, using this tool will cut out hours of downtime.

Use connected folders to share files with clients

  • I’ve been a SuiteFiles customer for a few years but have only recently started using this hidden gem. Now, whenever I need to send files to clients, I put everything I need in a folder then share it with them for easy access.

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