Kimberly McLaren
CPA Ltd.
Kimberly uses SuiteFiles to keep all of her files organized in one secure location, easily accessible to her clients.

It’s cut down my time spent transferring documents by at least 75%.
The problem
I felt unorganized using Google Drive and that I didn’t have a real system in place to look after my files but the biggest reason for switching to SuiteFiles was security. People have doubts about Google Drive — it’s great, but is it really secure? When clients find out that you’re storing their information on it, they tend to get a little uncomfortable.
I’d also been using a portal but found it hard to get around in. It required downloading all of my files and then transferring them to my storage system. Instead of being able to drag and drop, I’d have to find where my files had been downloaded to, then copy and paste them which took forever.
How we solved it
The best thing I did was getting SuiteFiles.
Keeping everything in one place means less time wasted. Dragging and dropping from SuiteFiles to the Connect portal is so much faster than having to do it with an external portal! It’s cut down my time spent transferring documents by at least 75%.
I have all my clients set up with their own portal so all their files are stored there, and they can upload documents to me. I love that I can offer that service because I can’t tell you how many times during the year someone asks, “Can I get a copy of my 2020 personal tax return?” I don’t want to sit there and have to find it, so I just tell them “It’s in your portal, here’s the link.” It’s so much quicker than searching for it and sending it to them. Plus, it’s folder based, so if you describe the folder e.g., ‘personal taxes’ then they know where to go. Clients really like the fact that it’s a secure space where they can transfer documents back and forth.
Saving emails is beautiful. They open up nicely, I can see everything clearly, and SuiteFiles keeps track of my threads. When someone says “Yes, it’s ok to do that” or “Can you please do this?”, I have records I can point to down the line.
There’s been so many improvements and I know that there’s more functionality I could be using that would really free up my time. Then I can listen to Bruce Springsteen even more!
- Using consumer-grade file storage.
- Concerns about the security of client information.
- Difficulties transferring documents from external portal.
- SuiteFiles takes care of security concerns.
- Able to drag and drop documents from SuiteFiles Connect client portal into folders easily.
- Can direct clients to Connect when they request documents.
- Automatic filing of emails makes it easier to keep records of client interactions.
Key benefits
- Security concerns are taken care of.
- Professional client-facing software.
- SuiteFiles is constantly improving and adding value.