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Current incidents.

There are no current incidents.


March 19th, 2025

We have had reports of some customers not being able to load PDF’s. We are investigating this as a top priority and will keep this updated. [March 19th, 2:35pm NZDT]

Resolved: We have identified an issue and resolved an issue that recently occurred within Azure. Please restart your browser if the issue is persisting. [March 19th, 3:25pm NZDT]

Past incidents.

March 18th, 2025

If you’re having issues with files duplicating after certain tasks e.g. creating files from templates, saving files via SuitePrint, or uploading files, please note that we’ve released an update today to resolve this issue. If you area still encountering this problem, it’s likely you have an older version of SuiteFiles cached in your browser. We recommend that you clear your browser cache and hard refresh by pressing Ctrl + F5. [March 18th, 11:02am NZDT]

Resolved: Following the release we can confirm no issue is occurring outside of SuiteFiles Drive. [March 18th, 2:30pm NZDT]

March 18th, 2025

We are aware some Suite Drive users are encountering issues with file duplication when saving. We are investigating this and will provide an update when available. In the meantime, there are no issues uploading or saving documents via the SuiteFiles web app, Outlook add-in or OneDrive. [March 18th, 12:25pm NZDT]

This issue is now resolved. If you have saved or uploaded anything via SuiteFiles Drive since this issue started, you may notice some duplicates are 0kb in size. These will need to be removed. [March 18th, 13:31pm NZDT]

February 25th 2025

Identified: There is currently an issue with creating files from template due to a recent update. We are investigating this as a top priority and will update this status when we have more information available. [February 25th, 10:40am]

Update: We have received reports of errors with file creation in Drive (creating and uploading documents) as well as issues with uploading emails via the SuiteFiles Outlook add-in. We would advise not to create or upload files via these applications until the issue is resolved.

We are investigating this as a top priority and will update this status when we have more information. [February 25th, 10:56am]

Update: We have identified the cause of this issue and are working on a resolution which will be released as soon as possible. [February 25th, 11:06am]

Resolved: We have made changes to resolve this issue and all application uploads are operational again. If you continue to face an issue, please contact [February 25th, 11:12am]

February 18th 2025

Identified: We are aware of an issue where some customers are unable to paste into Excel documents when editing files via the SuiteFiles web app. This is due to a recent Microsoft security update and we are expecting to have an update available to resolve this is in the coming week.

Users are still able to select “Open in Office” to make any required changes via the desktop app and this will still save back to SuiteFiles. [February 18th, 3:30pm NZDT]

February 14th 2025

Resolved: As of 2:45pm performance issues have been resolved. Please hold CTRL and press F5 (CTRL+F5) to refresh your SuiteFiles page if required. [February 14th, 4:00pm NZDT]

Identified: We are aware of reports of performance issues within SuiteFiles and associated applications. We are actively monitoring this and investigating further as a priority. We will update this status page when further information is available. [February 14th, 3:05pm NZDT]

November 8th, 2024

There is a known issue where final signed documents are currently delayed in returning to SuiteFiles and switching from In Progress to Completed in the signing dashboard. Please note we have resolved the underlying cause however there will be a delay in these signed documents returning to your site and being marked as Completed. We apologize for the inconvenience. [November 8th, 3:05pm NZDT]

November 7th, 2024

Resolved: The SuiteFiles Web App is now loading as expected. Please press CTRL F5 to refresh the Web App, and if you are still facing issues please let us know by submitting a support ticket. [November 7th, 10:02am NZDT]

Identified: The SuiteFiles Web App is taking longer than expected to load. We are investigating this with the highest priority. [November 7th, 9:50am NZDT]

August 7th, 2024

Resolved: This issue should now be fixed. Please press CTRL F5 to refresh the Web App, and if you are still facing issues please let us know by submitting a support ticket. We sincerely appreciate your patience. [August 7th, 12:32pm NZST]

Update: We have identified an authentication issue in the latest release – we are rolling out a new update to include a fix for this particular change. We expect this update to be released by 12:30pm NZST and we will continue to provide updates here.  [August 7th, 11:56am NZST]

Identified: The SuiteFiles Web App is taking longer than expected to load following the earlier scheduled maintenance. We are investigating this with the highest priority. [August 7th, 11:15am NZST]

August 7th, 2024

Scheduled Maintenance

Update: The maintenance has been completed and the SuiteFiles Web App and signing platform are operational following the update but may be slow to load. Please refresh your browser (CTRL F5) to get your Web App access back. Should you or your signees experience any issues, please submit a support ticket via this form, or email We sincerely appreciate your patience. [August 7th, 10:45am NZST].

Update: The estimated time of completion is now

    • PDT: Tuesday, August 6th at 3.45pm
    • EDT: Tuesday, August 6th at 6.45pm
    • GMT: Tuesday, August 6th at 10.45pm
    • AEST: Wednesday, August 7th at 8.45am
    • NZST: Wednesday, August 7th at 10.45am

We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience, and thank you for your patience. [August 7th, 10:33am NZST]

Update: We are still finalizing the changes required, and will post a final update as soon as the Web App and signing platform are back online. We thank you for your patience. [August 7th, 8:00am NZST]

Original message: SuiteFiles will be undergoing scheduled maintenance to our platform at the following time:

    • PDT: Tuesday, August 6th, between 10.00am and 1.00pm
    • EDT: Tuesday, August 6th, between 1.00pm and 4.00pm
    • GMT: Tuesday, August 6th, between 5.00pm and 8.00pm
    • AEST: Wednesday, August 7th, between 3.00am and 6.00am
    • NZST: Wednesday, August 7th, between 5.00am and 8.00am

During this time, you will be unable to access the SuiteFiles Web App, and signees will be unable to sign documents.

We know this will be in the middle of the working day for our US and Canadian customers and we sincerely apologize for any disruption it causes.

If you have connected the OneDrive integration or SuiteFiles Drive, you can still access your documents from there. You can also file your emails via the Outlook add-in. Connect users will still be able to access the Connect portal.

We expect the Web App and signing platform to be back up and running at the following time:

    • PDT: Tuesday, August 6th at 1.00pm
    • EDT: Tuesday, August 6th at 4.00pm
    • GMT: Tuesday, August 6th at 8.00pm
    • AEST: Wednesday, August 7th at 6.00am
    • NZST: Wednesday, August 7th at 8.00am

Following this update, automatic signing reminders will work as expected.

We will provide any further updates on this page, including a final update once work has been completed.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, and thank you in advance for your understanding. [August 2nd. 2024]

July 18th, 2024

Resolved: The automatic signing reminders service is back online. It is currently sending out automatic reminders from the past three days.  These are the ones at days 7, 3 & 1 prior to expiry date. This backlog should be completed within the next 2 hours. If you had been experiencing an “Initialising” error when manually sending reminders, this issue should also now be resolved. Please press CTRL F5 to refresh the Web App, and if you are still facing issues please let us know by submitting a support ticket. We sincerely appreciate your patience. [August 7th, 4:47pm NZST]

Update: We have put a hold on manually sending reminders until the permanent fix is released due to issues with this process. We anticipate this permanent fix being available on Monday morning NZST, August 5th. If you would like to send a one-off reminder to your client, you can still do so under More > Document Signing. Click the three dots to the right of the document and select Send Reminders. We thank you for your continued patience. [July 31st, 3:25pm NZST]

Update: Queued reminders are being sent manually by our team until a permanent fix for the automatic signing reminders system is released. We anticipate this permanent fix being available week commencing July 29th. We thank you for your continued patience. [July 26th, 11:53am NZST]

Update: The cause of the repeated reminders issue has been identified. A fix is currently being worked on. Automatic reminders set to days 7, 3 and/or 1 will not be sent until this release is out. If you would like to send a one-off reminder to your client, you can still do so under More > Document Signing. Click the three dots to the right of the document and select Send Reminders. [July 19th, 10:36am NZST]

Update: We are continuing to investigate this issue.  This means the app that triggers sending these reminders is still switched off.  [July 18th, 4:04pm NZST]

Identified: We are investigating an issue with document signing reminder emails being sent out repeatedly to some signees. We are investigating this with the highest priority and have switched off the app that triggers sending these reminders for now. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused and will provide an update once the service is back up and running.  [July 18th, 11:54am NZST]

July 18th, 2024

Resolved: This issue is now resolved. Please refresh your browser (CTRL F5) which should get your access token back. If you continue to face issues please contact our support team. [July 18th, 17:01pm NZST]

Update: The fix is now out. Please refresh your browser (CTRL F5) which should get your access token back. If you continue to face issues please contact our support team. [July 18th, 16:20pm NZST]

Identified: We have received reports of some customers having various issues in the SuiteFiles Web App including but not limited to:

    • No access token returned error on SuiteFiles Authentication page when attempting to login
    • Error – Access token not found error in bottom right corner when loading certain pages
    • Favourites not loading
    • Document signing dashboard not loading.

We have a fix for this issue and this will be released in the next hour. We will provide an update here once that release is out. [July 18th, 15:35pm NZST]

July 17th, 2024

Resolved: This issue should now be fixed. Please press CTRL F5 to refresh the Web App, and if you are still facing issues please let us know by submitting a support ticket. [July 17th, 1:02pm NZST]

Identified: We are investigating an issue with the SuiteFiles web application being down for some customers. We are investigating this with the highest priority. [July 17th, 12:22pm NZST]

June  18th, 2024

Resolved: This issue should now be fixed. Please press CTRL F5 to refresh the Web App, and if you are still facing issues please let us know by submitting a support ticket. [June 18th, 1:36pm NZST]

Identified: We are investigating an issue with the SuiteFiles web application being down for some customers. We are investigating this with the highest priority. [June 18th, 1:12pm NZST]

June  14th, 2024

Signing Platform Maintenance

Update: The maintenance has been completed and all systems remain operational following the update. Should you or your signees experience any issues, please submit a support ticket via this form, or email [June 14th, 5:07pm NZST].

Original message: We’ll be undertaking some maintenance to our signing platform on Friday 14th June from 2:45pm NZST (12.45pm AEST / 2:45am GMT).

This is a background change and while we do not expect any interruption to our signing services during this time, we will be monitoring our systems closely and will post any updates here as required.

Should you or your signees experience any issues, please submit a support ticket via this form, or email

We expect all systems to be back up & running by 5:00pm NZST (3.00pm AEST / 5:00am GMT) and we will post an update on this page once this maintenance has been completed.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, but thank you in advance for your understanding.

June  14th, 2024

Resolved: This issue should now be fixed. Please press CTRL F5 to refresh the Web App, and if you are still facing issues please let us know by submitting a support ticket. [June 14th, 1:57pm NZST]

Identified: We are investigating an issue with the SuiteFiles web application being down for some customers. We are investigating this with the highest priority. [June 14th, 1:50pm NZST]

June 6th, 2024

Resolved: The previous issue has been resolved. Please refresh your browser or press CTRL + F5 to re log in [June 6th, 5:35pm NZST]


Identified: We are investigating an issue with the SuiteFiles web application being down. We do apologize and this will be resolved soon. [June 6th, 5:15pm NZST]


May 27th, 2024

A newer version of the SuiteFiles Chrome extension has been released. Please log out and back into the extension following these steps, then go into the SuiteFiles Web App and press CTRL + F5 (Windows users) or Cmd + Shift + R (Mac users). This should resolve any issues faced with PDF loading or integrated folder links not appearing. For full steps for each issue, please see below:

PDF loading

Update: We have released an update on May 28th at 2:00pm NZST which has resolved the PDF loading issue. You will need to press CTRL + F5 (Windows users) or Cmd + Shift + R (Mac users) to ensure you’re on the latest version of SuiteFiles. If you still find your PDFs are not loading following this update, we recommend you clear your browser cache. Steps to do this in Chrome can be found here. If your issue is not fixed following these two steps, please get in touch with our support team. [May 28th, 2:55pm NZST]

Identified: If you are experiencing issues with first-time loading of PDFs in the SuiteFiles Web App, please press CTRL + F5 (Windows users) or Cmd + Shift + R (Mac users).

If you are still facing issues after following these steps please submit a support ticket and we will be in touch with you quickly to get this resolved. [May 27th, 11:09am NZST]

XPM, Xero Tax, WFM folder links not appearing/Chrome extension spinning icon

Identified: If you are finding that the SuiteFiles Chrome extension is not showing client folder prompts/links in XPM, Xero Tax or WFM, or is perpetually spinning, affected users will need to log out and back into the extension following these steps.

If you are still facing issues after following these steps please submit a support ticket and we will be in touch with you quickly to get this resolved. [May 27th, 9:57am NZST]

May 27th, 2024

Clients not appearing in Quick Search results

Update: This issue has now been resolved. You may need to press CTRL + F5 (Windows users) or Cmd + Shift + R (Mac users) in the SuiteFiles Web App to get these Client results appearing in the search bar again. [May 27th, 11:53am NZST]

Identified: We are working to resolve an issue where clients are not appearing in Quick Search results when using the top search bar in the SuiteFiles Web App. We should have a fix available for this very soon and will update this page as soon as that fix is live.  [May 27th, 11:11am NZST]

May 8th, 2024

XPM issues: If you are having issues with the XPM integration, such as:

    • File or email templates not populating with Client data
    • Contacts not appearing in the drop-down for signing or Connect

Then please ask your XPM/SuiteFiles Admin to reconnect the integration following these steps.

Once this has been done, your SuiteFiles Admin can manually sync your site’s Client data by following these steps.

If you are finding that the SuiteFiles Chrome extension is not showing client folder prompts/links or the connection is slow we also recommend that users affected log out and back into the extension following these steps.

If you are still facing issues after following these steps please submit a support ticket and we will be in touch with you quickly to get this resolved. [May 8th, 10:12am NZST]

May 7th, 2024

Update – The earlier access issues are now resolved. We recommend pressing CTRL F5 in the SuiteFiles Web App if any loading issues persist.  If you continue to have issues please let us know by submitting a support ticket.  We’re very sorry for the inconvenience caused. [May 7th, 11:57am NZST]

Identified – We are receiving reports of issues accessing the SuiteFiles Web App. We are investigating this as a top priority. We will update this page with further information as we have it. [May 7th, 11:42am NZST]

May 2nd, 2024

Identified – We are aware that Document Signing requests are showing as pending after being signed, and cannot be manually completed from your site. This is a delay in the final process and not a permanent status for these signing requests. All completed documents that have been signed will return to your site, and all emails will be delivered within a few hours. [May 2nd, 10:30pm NZST]

April 30th, 2024

Update – The earlier access issues are now resolved. We recommend pressing CTRL F5 in the SuiteFiles Web App if any loading issues persist.  SuiteFiles Drive and the Outlook add-in should be back up and running without users needing to log out and log back in.  If you continue to have issues please let us know by submitting a support ticket.  We’re very sorry for the inconvenience caused. [April 30th, 12:11pm NZST]

Identified – We are receiving reports of issues accessing all SuiteFiles apps including the Web App, Outlook add-in and SuiteFiles Drive. We are investigating this as a top priority. We will update this page with further information as we have it. [April 30th, 11:18am NZST]

April 29th, 2024

Resolved – The earlier access issues are now resolved. We recommend pressing CTRL F5 if any loading issues persist. If you continue to have issues please let us know by submitting a support ticket. [April 29th, 8:50am NZST]

Identified – We are receiving reports of issues accessing the SuiteFiles Web App. We are investigating this as a top priority. We will update this page with further information as we have it. [April 29th, 8:33am NZST]

Scheduled Maintenance

Update – Scheduled Maintenance the morning of 28th April NZST has been completed. We recommend clearing cache or pressing CTRL F5 if you experience any issues loading the SuiteFiles Web App. For our applications, logging out and back into the SuiteFiles Outlook add-in, SuiteFiles Drive or Chrome Extension. If you continue to have issues please let us know by submitting a support ticket. [April 28th, 09:42am NZST]

April 26th, 2024

XPM issues: If you are specifically having issues with email templates not showing your XPM clients list, we have found that clearing your browser cache first can help. The steps are:

    1. Clear your Chrome browser cache following these steps
    2. Log back into the SuiteFiles Web App
    3. Reconnect XPM following these steps (your SuiteFiles/XPM Admin will need to do this bit)
    4. Log out of the SuiteFiles Outlook Add-in
    5. Close and reopen Outlook on your desktop
    6. Log back into the SuiteFiles Outlook Add-in

If you are still facing issues after following these steps please submit a support ticket. [April 26th, 3:50pm NZST]

April 24th, 2024

Update – If you are specifically having issues with email templates not showing your XPM clients list, we have found that clearing your browser cache first can help. The steps are:

    1. Clear your Chrome browser cache following these steps
    2. Log back into the SuiteFiles Web App
    3. Reconnect XPM following these steps (your SuiteFiles/XPM Admin will need to do this bit)
    4. Log out of the SuiteFiles Outlook Add-in
    5. Close and reopen Outlook on your desktop
    6. Log back into the SuiteFiles Outlook Add-in

If you are still facing issues after following these steps please submit a support ticket. [April 26th, 3:50pm NZST]

Identified – We are receiving reports of some customers having issues populating file or email templates from XPM.

If you are affected, your SuiteFiles Admin will need to reconnect your integration following these steps. After reconnecting each SuiteFiles user should check they are logged into the Chrome extension following these steps.

If you have any issues loading integrated clients for file or email templates after re connecting, please also refresh the SuiteFiles Web App by pressing CTRL + F5 and log out of and back into the SuiteFiles Outlook add-in following these steps. [April 24th, 12:22pm NZST]

April 17th, 2024

Resolved – Connect activity emails should now be received by all parties.  [April 24th, 12:10pm NZST]

Identified – We are receiving reports of Connect Activity notifications not being received. We are investigating this issue as a high priority and will provide an update as soon as possible. [April 17th, 11:54am NZST]

April 17th, 2024

Resolved – XPM and WFM folder creation issues have been resolved, if you continue to have issues please let us know by submitting a support ticket  [April 24th, 12:10pm NZST]

Identified – We are also investigating an authentication issue with Xero Practice Manager (XPM) and WorkflowMax (WFM) integrations. This is impacting the ability to create folders in SuiteFiles via XPM/WFM, and in some cases connecting the integration. We recommend creating new client folders in SuiteFiles in the meantime. [April 17th, 11:54am NZST]

April 9th, 2024

ResolvedThe earlier issues affecting Excel files are now resolved. We recommend pressing CTRL F5 if any issues persist. If you continue to have issues please let us know by submitting a support ticket. [April 9th, 1:28pm NZST]

Identified – We are receiving reports of an issue where some Excel files cannot be opened from specific folders within the SuiteFiles Web App. We have noticed that these can be opened if temporarily moved to a different location, or if opened from your OneDrive or S: Drive in File Explorer. We are investigating this issue as a high priority and will provide an update as soon as possible. [April 9th, 11:21am NZST]

April 9th, 2024

Update – We have resolved the issue reported earlier today with search, and you should now be able to successfully search for Client folders in the SuiteFiles Web App. Please note we are continuing to investigate the overall search experience and looking at ways to improve this. [April 9th, 1:26pm NZST]

Identified – We are receiving reports of an issue with search results in the SuiteFiles Web App, specifically when searching Client folders. If you have noticed a change in your ability to search for Client records please know our team are currently investigating this known issue. [April 9th, 11:35am NZST]

April 8th, 2024

ResolvedThe earlier access issues are now resolved. We recommend pressing CTRL F5 if any loading issues persist. If you continue to have issues please let us know by submitting a support ticket. [April 8th, 3:23pm NZT]

IdentifiedWe are receiving reports of issues accessing the SuiteFiles Web App. We are investigating this as a top priority and waiting on more information from Microsoft as it appears to be related to an authentication issue at their end. We will update this page with further information as we have it. [April 8th, 3:13pm NZT]

March 26th, 2024

ResolvedThe earlier access issues are now resolved. If you continue to have issues please let us know by submitting a support ticket. [March 26th, 3:47pm NZDT]

IdentifiedWe are receiving reports of issues accessing the SuiteFiles Web App. We are investigating this as a top priority and waiting on more information from Microsoft as it appears to be related to an authentication issue at their end. We will update this page with further information as we have it. [March 26th, 1:20pm NZDT]

February 7th, 2024

Resolved – This issue is now resolved. If you are still having issues opening PDF files, please raise a detailed support ticket with us. [February 12th, 09:07am NZDT]

Identified – We are currently investigating an issue with PDF previews not loading. Please note that the error is only affecting the image preview, and is not affecting the underlying file or the changes you have saved. If your PDF preview is not loading when first opened, please refresh your browser by pressing CTRL + F5. [February 7th, 12:07pm NZDT]

January 18th, 2024

Resolved – This issue is now resolved. If you are still having issues with XPM client data, please check that you are logged into the Chrome Extension and have your XPM and SuiteFiles administrator re connect the SuiteFiles and XPM integration. If you are still having issues with XPM client data after checking the above, please raise a support ticket with us. [January 26th, 10:01am NZDT]

Identified – We have identified an issue with the XPM api being inconsistent. Requests to pull client data from XPM are timing out, or taking a long time to get a response.

This is causing issues with the client folder in SuiteFiles taking a long time to load. We have also received reports that XPM clients are not showing or needing to be refreshed, not refreshing and/or merge fields not populating client data when creating file templates. If you are experiencing these issues, please refresh the SuiteFiles web app by pressing CRTL + F5. This will resend the request to XPM.

We are continuing to monitor this.  We also suggest effected sites raise this with Xero support. [January 18th, 10:30am NZDT]

December 19th, 2023

Following on from the below resolution at 12:13pm NZDT on 19th December, some customers are still reporting issues.

If you are still impacted by performance or PDF loading issues, can you please try clearing your Chrome cache by following the instructions here:

Please note, this will sign you out of most sites including SuiteFiles so you’ll need to have your Office365 credentials to log back in.

If you can still not preview PDF files, please check the following browser settings chrome://settings/content/images and enable the “Sites can show images” option.

If you continue to have issues please let us know by submitting a detailed support ticket. We do apologize for the inconvenience, and thank you for your patience. [December 19th, 2:37pm NZDT]

December 19th, 2023

Resolved – This issue is now resolved. Please press CTRL + F5 on your browser to ensure you’re on the latest version of the SuiteFiles Web App.
If you continue to have issues please let us know by submitting a support ticket. We do apologize for the inconvenience, and thank you for your patience. [December 19th, 12:13pm NZDT]

Identified – We are receiving reports that some customers are experiencing performance issues across SuiteFiles apps. We are currently investigating this with the highest priority and will post an update as soon as possible. [December 19th, 11:25am NZDT]

November 3rd, 2023

Resolved – The subject line is now available on step 3 of the document signing process. Thank you for your patience. [November 6th, 10:28am NZDT]

Update – A clarification on the below issue. Please note if using a message template, your templated subject line will appear for the signee. For those not using message templates, the subject line will default to “Your signature has been requested”. We appreciate your patience as we await the release of the fix for this issue. [November 3rd, 2:36pm NZDT]

Identified – Our developers are currently working to fix a known issue with subject lines not being available on step 3 of the document signing process. An update is due to be made on Monday 6th November for this fix. In the meantime please note subject lines will default to “Your signature has been requested”. We will post an update as soon as this update has been released. [November 3rd, 1:41pm NZDT]

October 19th, 2023

Resolved – Word, PowerPoint & Excel files can now be accessed by Connect users.  We appreciate your patience while we awaited this Microsoft update. [November 6th, 10:28am NZDT]

Update – Word and PowerPoint files can now be accessed by Connect users. We are still awaiting Excel functionality to be restored. In the meantime, please continue to download Excel files locally then upload back to Connect as required. [November 3rd, 1:15pm NZDT]

Update – We have identified the underlying cause affecting Connect users’ ability to view or open files in SuiteFiles Connect. This is due to a change with Microsoft and the ability to view and open files within a browser. We are awaiting an update from Microsoft to restore this function for Connect users. In the meantime, please continue to download files locally then upload back to Connect as required. [October 27th, 4:00pm NZDT]

Identified – Our developers are currently investigating a known issue with SuiteFiles Connect users receiving a ‘Service unavailable’ or ‘Not found’ error when previewing a file or when clicking ‘Open in Office’ from a file within their Connect portal. Please note, the file has been uploaded into the portal but cannot be viewed in the browser. We recommend downloading the file locally from the portal, then uploading it back to Connect as required. We are currently investigating this and will post an update as soon as possible. [October 19th, 4:39pm NZDT]

September 26th, 2023

Resolved – We can confirm that the release this afternoon has successfully resolved the SuiteFiles Drive issue. Please navigate to your Clients folder in SuiteDrive to confirm all Clients are now visible. We appreciate your patience while we worked to fix this issue. [September 27th, 3:47pm NZDT]

Update – Our developers have rolled out an update to fix this issue. If you have been impacted by this issue, please open SuiteDrive and check you can now see all Client folders. If you can’t, please contact our Support team. We appreciate your patience while we worked to fix this issue. [September 27th, 2:59pm NZDT]

Update – Our developers are preparing a release this afternoon (NZDT) which includes a fix for the issue with the SuiteFiles Drive app cutting off Client folders after a certain letter.  Please continue to use the Web App where possible. If you haven’t already, please log a ticket with our support team via so that we can let you know once the release goes out. [September 27th, 11:49am NZDT]

Identified – Our developers are currently investigating a known issue with the SuiteFiles Drive app cutting off Client folders after a certain letter e.g. only being able to see client folders A through K. We are investigating this with the highest priority and will post an update as soon as possible. If you haven’t already, please log a ticket with our support team via so that we can keep you updated.

In the meantime, we recommend staff access their Office documents via the SuiteFiles Web App by selecting the Open in Office or Edit in Browser buttons. If the file type cannot be opened via the Web App, we recommend downloading the file locally, then uploading it back to SuiteFiles once the above issue is resolved.  [September 26th, 2:47pm NZDT]

August 11th, 2023

Resolved – We have been continuously monitoring the updates made to the email delivery process. The issue has been resolved. If you or your clients are still not receiving notification emails, please send as much detail as possible to our support team (refer to our guide here) for further investigation. [August 17th, 4:48pm NZST]

Update – Our developers have made an update which we hope will improve email delivery reliability. We will continue to work on and monitor these issues. If you or your clients are still not receiving notification emails, please send as much detail as possible to our support team (refer to our guide here) for further investigation. [August 15th, 3:20pm NZST]

Identified – Our developers are currently investigating a known issue with email delivery. You may find that email notifications sent from SuiteFiles are delayed, going into junk or not being received at the sender or recipients’ end. This affects document signing, task & Connect notifications. We are investigating this with the highest priority and will post an update as soon as possible. [August 11th, 3:58pm NZST]

July 11th, 2023

Resolved – Office files can now be previewed in SuiteFiles Connect. Please press CTRL + F5 on your browser to ensure you’re on the latest version, and contact our support team if you continue to face any issues. [July 12th, 8:17am NZST]

Identified – We’re aware of issues with previewing Microsoft Office files in SuiteFiles Connect. We are currently investigating this and will post an update as soon as possible. [July 11th, 8:01pm NZST]

June 19th, 2023

Resolved – The earlier reported performance issues are now resolved. Please press CTRL + F5 on your browser if you are still experiencing any issues, or contact our support team for further assistance. [June 21st, 2:40pm NZST]

Identified – We’re aware of performance issues currently impacting some customers and are looking into them as a top priority. We have made changes that are having positive improvements for a number of customers but are still working diligently to resolve all performance impacts. [June 19th, 5:03pm NZST]

May 8th, 2023

Update – Services are up and running again following an update made by our team. Please press CTRL + F5 on your browser to ensure you’re on the latest version of the SuiteFiles Web App. If you continue to have issues with any function in SuiteFiles please raise a new ticket with our support team. We do apologize for the inconvenience, and thank you for your patience.  [May 8th, 2:46pm NZST]

Update – Our team are continuing their efforts to get SuiteFiles services back up and running. We sincerely apologize for the impact this is having. We will post another update as soon as possible. [May 8th, 1:11pm NZST]

Update – We are continuing to investigate performance issues across all SuiteFiles apps. Please note that the Connect portal is also impacted for end users. We will post another update as soon as possible. [May 8th, 11:40am NZST]

Identified – We are receiving reports that some customers are experiencing performance issues across SuiteFiles apps including the SuiteFiles Web App, Outlook add-in, SuiteFiles Drive and XPM integration. We are currently investigating this with the highest priority and will post an update as soon as possible. [May 8th, 11:18am NZST]

May 2nd, 2023

Resolved – This issue is now resolved. Please press CTRL + F5 on your browser to ensure you’re on the latest version of the SuiteFiles Web App.
If you continue to have issues with template population please let us know by submitting a support ticket. We do apologize for the inconvenience, and thank you for your patience. [May 3rd, 12:02pm NZST]

Update – We are continuing to investigate the current issues with template population. We recommend that for any urgent documentation that this is prepared manually. We apologize for the inconvenience caused. [May 2nd, 3:31pm NZST]

Identified – We are receiving reports that some customers cannot populate templates. We are currently investigating this with the highest priority and will post an update as soon as possible. [May 2nd, 2:11pm NZST]

April 26th, 2023

Resolved – This issue is now resolved. Please press CTRL + F5 on your browser to ensure you’re on the latest version of the SuiteFiles Web App. To resend any signing requests, navigate to More > Document Signing and click the three dots alongside the signing file, then click Resend invite emails. [April 26th, 1:34pm NZST]

Identified – We have again identified an issue with signing request emails and the resend invite emails function not sending for some customers. We are currently investigating this with the highest priority and will post an update as soon as possible. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience. [April 26th, 1:19pm NZST]

April 24th, 2023

Resolved – This issue is now resolved. Please press CTRL + F5 on your browser to ensure you’re on the latest version of the SuiteFiles Web App. To resend any signing requests, navigate to More > Document Signing and click the three dots alongside the signing file, then click Resend invite emails. [April 24th, 7:14pm NZST]

Identified – We have identified an issue with signing request emails and the resend invite emails function not sending for some customers. We are currently investigating this and will post an update as soon as possible. [April 24th, 6:32pm NZST]

April 24th, 2023

If you have been experiencing performance issues this morning please note services have now returned to normal. There might be some slowness and we are continuing to monitor this. If you continue to have issues and are unable to access SuiteFiles please try pressing CTRL + F5 on your browser. You can also submit a support ticket to let us know. [April 24th, 11:00am NZST]

April 21st, 2023

Resolved – We have rolled out a fix for this issue. Please press CTRL + F5 on your browser to ensure you’re on the latest version of the SuiteFiles Web App. To resend any signing requests, navigate to More > Document Signing and click the three dots alongside the signing file, then click Resend invite emails. [April 21st, 4:41pm NZDT]

Identified – We have identified an issue with signing request emails not sending for some customers. Our team have a fix for this issue and we will provide an update once this has been released. [April 21st, 2:41pm NZDT]

March 23rd, 2023

Resolved– Our API services have returned to a normal range. There might be some slowness and we are continuing to monitor this.  If you continue to have issues and are unable to access SuiteFiles please do let us know by submitting a support ticket. We do apologize for the inconvenience, and thank you for your patience. [March 23rd, 3:00pm NZT]

IdentifiedWe are again investigating reports of customer sites not loading and performance issues in the SuiteFiles applications. We sincerely apologize for the continued performance issues which our team are working hard to resolve. An update will be posted here when more information is available [March 23rd, 2:29pm NZDT]

March 23rd, 2023

Resolved – We are pleased to report that services have now returned to normal. If you are still facing issues, please try refreshing your browser by pressing CTRL + F5 or logging out and back in to the required applications. Services may be slightly slower to start but should return to normal after a few minutes. If you continue to face an issue please let us know by submitting a support ticket. We sincerely apologize for the impact this has had on your day, and appreciate your patience while we resolved this issue. [March 23rd, 12:22pm NZDT]

IdentifiedWe are currently investigating reports of customer sites not loading and performance issues in the SuiteFiles applications. An update will be posted here when more information is available [March 23rd, 11:52am NZDT]

March 9th, 2023

Resolved – Thank you for your patience while we investigated this issue, which has been a result of a change that Microsoft made with Office application security on 1st March. The change meant that macros from the internet are blocked by default in Office 365 applications.

This article explains the change, and also has steps to take either file by file, or more practically how to set up a policy or add SuiteFiles as a trusted site to avoid getting errors when trying to open files from the internet/web browser. We recommend passing this information onto your Microsoft 365 Administrator or IT department to set up a policy to allow files to be opened from the internet in Office applications. If you continue to face any issues after implementing the recommended changes please let us know by submitting a support ticket. [March 10th, 11:14am NZDT]

Update – We have identified the cause of the issue, and are working to confirm what steps need to be taken to resolve this. If you have been in touch with our support team, they will contact you directly to provide steps to take, and we’ll update the status page with a confirmed resolution as soon as possible. [March 10th, 09:33am NZDT]

IdentifiedWe are currently investigating reports of some customers unable to access Excel workbooks via the SuiteFiles Web App, SuiteFiles Drive and OneDrive integration. We are investigating this with high priority and will provide an update here when more information is available.

In the meantime the document can be viewed by downloading it to your local computer. Please note if you edit a file locally the changes will not be reflected back in SuiteFiles and you will need to upload it back to SuiteFiles once this issue is resolved.  [March 9th, 11:15am NZDT]

March 6th, 2023

Resolved – We are pleased to report that services have now returned to normal. If you are still facing issues, please try refreshing your browser by pressing CTRL + F5 or logging out and back in to the required applications. If you continue to face an issue please let us know by submitting a support ticket. We sincerely apologize for the impact this has had on your day, and appreciate your patience while we resolved this issue.[March 6th, 10:44am NZDT]

IdentifiedWe are currently investigating reports of some customer sites still experiencing performance issues in the SuiteFiles applications. An update will be posted here when more information is available [March 6th, 08:33am NZDT]

March 3rd, 2023

Resolved – We are pleased to report that services have now returned to normal. If you are still facing issues, please try refreshing your browser by pressing CTRL + F5 or logging out and back in to the required applications. Services may be slightly slower to start but should return to normal after a few minutes. If you continue to face an issue please let us know by submitting a support ticket. We sincerely apologize for the impact this has had on your day, and appreciate your patience while we resolved this issue. [March 3rd, 11:15am NZDT]

IdentifiedWe are currently investigating reports of customer sites not loading and performance issues in the SuiteFiles applications. An update will be posted here when more information is available [March 3rd, 10:10am NZDT]

February  7th, 2023

Resolved – We are pleased to report that services have now returned to normal. If you are still facing issues, please try refreshing your browser by pressing CTRL + F5 or logging out and back in to the required applications. Services may be slightly slower to start but should return to normal after a few minutes. If you continue to face an issue please let us know by submitting a support ticket. We sincerely apologize for the impact this has had on your day, and appreciate your patience while we resolved this issue. [February 7th, 1:33pm NZDT]

IdentifiedWe are currently investigating reports of customer sites not loading and users unable to access any SuiteFiles applications. We will post an update here as soon as we have a resolution time or more information available. [February 7th, 1:15pm NZDT]

January 25th, 2023

Resolved: We are pleased to report that services have now returned to normal. If you are still facing issues, please try refreshing your browser by pressing CTRL + F5 or logging out and back in to the required applications. If you continue to face an issue please let us know by submitting a support ticket. We sincerely apologize for the impact this has had on your day, and appreciate your patience while we resolved this issue. [January 25th, 1:38pm NZDT]

IdentifiedWe are currently investigating reports of customer sites not loading and users unable to access any SuiteFiles applications. We will post an update here as soon as we have a resolution time or more information available. [January 25th, 12:55pm NZDT]

January 18th, 2023

Resolved – The templates issue has now been resolved but your Clients may need to be refreshed. To do this, please refresh your site page, create a new file from Template. After selecting the template to use, you should see a Refresh Clients button. Click this and wait for it to process. You should see the Choose a client… option and can type your Client name here. If you have any trouble with these steps or the issue is not resolving for you, please contact our team.  [January 18th, 5:35pm NZDT]

Identified – There is currently an issue where files templates are feeding through Contact rather than Client details. We are investigating this as a priority and will update this status when we have more information on a resolution available [January 18th, 5:19pm NZDT]

January 17th, 2023

Resolved – Task emails are now delivering correctly, and the Search bar issue has also been resolved and is returning Client folder results  [January 18th, 5:16pm NZDT]

Identified – There is currently an issue with the delivery of task emails where the sender will receive an email notification but no email notification is delivered to the recipient. We are working on a resolution for this as a top priority.

In addition we are currently investigating an issue with the web app search bar not returning client folders in the quick view list and will have an update available shortly. [January 17th, 12pm NZDT]

December 15th, 2022

Resolved – The issue with some emails not generating for Document signing has now been resolved. If you continue to face an issue or believe emails have not been sent/received please contact us at [December 15th, 8.00am NZDT]

Identified – We are investigating an issue with emails not sending for Document signing requests, as well as completed ‘Document has been signed’ emails not being returned to the sender and signee after signing. Files are still being returned to the SuiteFiles folder, but emails are not being sent. In the meantime files can be shared, signed and downloaded after signing using the connect feature. [December 15th, 3.56pm NZDT]

December 6th, 2022

Resolved – The File template population issue has now been resolved. If you continue to face an issue, please refresh your site page or contact us on  [December 6th, 3.31pm NZDT]

Identified – We are investigating an issue with File template population in the SuiteFiles Web App. In the meantime templates should create correctly if selecting the Enter Field Values button at the final stage of the template creation process. We will update this status when we have more information on a resolution available [December 6th, 2.56pm NZDT]

November 30th, 2022

Resolved – An update has been released and this issue is now resolved. The latest version is 1.5.1, the extension should update automatically and does not require any action. If you are still facing an issue please reach out to [December 1st, 09:30am NZDT]

Identified – The SuitePrint feature from the SuiteFiles Chrome extension is currently unavailable and will not save PDF’s to SuiteFiles. We are investigating this and will update this status when we have more information on a resolution available [November 30th, 11:00am NZDT]

November 23rd, 2022

Resolved – The SuiteFiles performance issues are now resolved and all customers sites should load as required. If you continue to face an issue, please refresh your site page or contact us on [November 23rd, 10:00am NZDT]

Identified – SuiteFiles may be unavailable for some customers and we are investigating performance issues [November 23rd, 09:15am NZDT]

November 17th, 2022

Resolved We have identified and resolved an error preventing the web app from loading. Please refresh your web page by holding CTRL and pressing F5 (CTRL+F5). If you continue to face an issue please contact our team on [November 17th, 15:16pm NZDT]

IdentifiedWe are currently investigating performance issues for the SuiteFiles web app [November 17th, 15:08pm NZDT]

November 10th, 2022

Resolved This issue has been resolved in an update today and will now pull the date based on your local time settings. [November 18th, 12:00pm NZDT]

IdentifiedWe are currently investigating an issue where the Date format on templates may be populating with yesterday’s date for some customers. We will provide an update here once resolved. [November 10th, 12:16pm NZDT]

October 27th, 2022

ResolvedThe PDF merge and edit issue in SuiteFiles has been resolved. You may need to refresh your browser. If you are still facing any issues please contact us on [October 27, 15:06 NZDT]

IdentifiedWe are currently investigating an issue where the PDF merge and edit feature are unavailable in the SuiteFiles web app. We’ll provide an update as soon as possible. [October 27, 13:21 NZDT]

September 30th, 2022

Resolved – The templates population issue in SuiteFiles has been resolved. You may need to refresh your browser. If you are still facing any issues please contact us on [September 30th 09:37 NZDT]

IdentifiedWe are currently investigating an issue where file templates are not populating in the SuiteFiles web app. We’ll post an update as soon as possible. [September 30th 09:18 NZDT]

September 22nd, 2022

ResolvedThe email preview issue has now been resolved. Any emails saved whilst this issue occurred are available and do not need to be resaved. [September 22nd 01:00 UTC / September 22nd 13:00 NZST]

IdentifiedWe are investigating an issue where email previews are not available in the SuiteFiles web app or Outlook add-in. Effected emails can still be viewed by downloading the file and then opening. [September 22nd 00:30 UTC / September 22nd 12:30 NZST]

July 27th, 2022

Resolved – Site and application availability are now back to regular performance. If any user is still facing an access issue please refresh the page or restart your browser. Alternatively please contact us on [July 27th 23:40 UTC / July 27th 11:40 NZST]

IdentifiedWe are currently investigating reports of customer sites not loading and users unable to access any SuiteFiles applications. We will post an update here as soon as we have a resolution time or more information available. [July 27th 23:20 UTC / July 27th 11:20 NZST]

July 25th, 2022

ResolvedThis issue has now been resolved. If you are still facing issues, please try refreshing your page or logging out and back in to the required applications. If you continue to face an issue please contact our team at [July 25th 04:58 UTC / July 19th 16:58 NZST]

Update – Integrations that upload files to SuiteFiles may also be impacted. We’re continuing to investigate the issues at our end, we will post an update as soon as they have been resolved.  [July 25th 04:06 UTC / July 19th 16:06 NZST]

IdentifiedWe are currently investigating performance issues affecting the SuiteFiles Drive. Customers are reporting issues with editing and saving documents via the SuiteFiles Drive. [July 25th 04:00 UTC / July 19th 16:00 NZST]

July 19th, 2022

ResolvedThis issue has now been resolved. If you are still facing issues, please try refreshing your page or logging out and back in to the required applications. If you continue to face an issue please contact our team at [July 19th 03:27 UTC / July 19th 15:27 NZST]

IdentifiedWe are currently investigating performance issues affecting the SuiteFiles Web App, Outlook add-in and SuiteFiles Drive. We’ll provide an update as soon as possible. [July 19th 01:38 UTC / July 19th 13:38 NZST]

July 11th, 2022

Resolved – The Web App view has returned to normal. Please refresh your browser by pressing CTRL F5. If you continue to face an issue please contact our team at [July 10th 21:22 UTC / July 11th, 09:22 NZST]

Identified – We are receiving reports of customers having issues with the SuiteFiles Web App loading the old user interface. This is related to the current Amazon Web Services (AWS) outage, which is affecting some of our third party services that we used to help SuiteFiles run in the background. A hard refresh (Ctrl + F5) will bring the correct view back in many cases, however you may still experience some service degradation in some areas.

We’ll provide an update here with resolution steps as soon as possible. [July 10th 20:49 UTC / July 11th, 08:49 NZST]

June 16th, 2022

IdentifiedWe are receiving reports of some customers having issues with PDFs loading in the SuiteFiles Web App.

If you encounter this issue, please refresh your browser by pressing CTRL F5. If you continue to face the issue clear your Chrome cache by following these instructions. Please note, this will sign you out of most sites including SuiteFiles so you’ll need to have your Office365 credentials to log back in.

If you continue to face an issue please contact our team at [June 16th 01:22 UTC / June 16th, 13:22 NZST]

June 15th, 2022

ResolvedAll services have returned to normal. Please refresh your browser by pressing CTRL F5. If you continue to face an issue please contact our team at [June 15th 03:18 UTC / June 15th, 15:18 NZST]

IdentifiedWe are currently investigating performance issues affecting to SuiteFiles Web App, Outlook add-in and SuiteFiles Drive. We’ll provide an update as soon as possible. [June 15th 03:14 UTC / June 15th, 15:14 NZST]

8 June, 2022

Resolved Xero have confirmed they have resolved an incident where some customers were experiencing connecting integrated apps.

If you are still having issues with File and Email not populating with client information from XPM, or contacts not being available when preparing a document for signing, please try refreshing your browser by pressing CTRL F5. If this does not resolve the issue for you, you’ll need to ask your SF Admin/XPM Admin to reconnect your integration by following these steps. If you continue to face an issue please contact our team at [June 9th, 02:16 UTC / June 8th, 14:16 NZST]

Identified We are receiving reports of some customers’ File and Email not populating with client information from XPM, or contacts not being available when preparing a document for signing. Please ask your SF Admin/XPM Admin to reconnect your integration by following these steps. If you continue to face an issue please contact our team at [June 8th, 7:37 UTC / June 8th, 19:37 NZST]

May 16, 2022

ResolvedIssues caused due to an invalid site certificate have been resolved and all applications have been restored to full functionality. [May 15th 21:41 UTC / May 16th, 09:41 NZST]

IdentifiedWe are currently investigating an issue that is causing SuiteFiles Drive and the SuiteFiles Outlook add-in not to load and this will be resolved as soon as possible. We have received reports of document signing not loading that will in turn also be resolved as well.  [May 15th 20:49 UTC / May 16th, 08:49 NZST]

April 19, 2022

ResolvedWe have resolved the issue with SuiteFiles File Templates not populating with client information from XPM and WFM. Please refresh your browser (CTRL F5) and try creating a file from template again. There should not be a need to manually refresh you clients but incase the refresh does not resolve the issue, please manually refresh your Clients in SuiteFiles by following these steps. This will refresh your Clients for all users in your site.  [April 19th 03:06 UTC / April 19th, 15:06 NZST]

IdentifiedWe are currently investigating an issue with SuiteFiles File Templates not populating with client information from XPM and WFM. In the meantime you can manually refresh your Clients in SuiteFiles by following these steps. This will refresh your Clients for all users in your site. We will post an update as soon as we have further information.  [April 19th 01:42 UTC / April 19th, 13:42 NZST]

April 13, 2022

Update – We have resolved the issue where final document signing emails were not being sent. The fix has been in place since approx. 12.30pm NZST on Thursday April 14th.

Final document signing emails will now be received by both senders and recipients. We’re currently investigating the full extent of this incident and timeframe affected and will post an update as soon as we have further information.

To confirm, where final emails have not been received, the signed files (_signed.pdf) will still have saved back to its folder automatically.

If your customers require a copy of their final signed document, you can locate this in the original folder that you started the signing process from, and send across to them. If they are a Connect user, they will also be able to see their final signed copies in the Signed section of the Connect platform. You can point them here if they are a Connect user. [April 14th 03:57 UTC / April 14th, 15:57 NZST]

IdentifiedWe are currently investigating an issue with SuiteFiles Document Signing, where final emails are not being received by senders or recipients. We are working to identify the underlying cause and will post an update as soon as we have further information.  [April 13th 03:57 UTC / April 13th, 15:57 NZST]

April 12, 2022

ResolvedWe have received confirmation these issues have been resolved with our applications. You may need to log out and log back in to the required application. If you still have any issue or queries please contact us on [April 12th 02:30 UTC / April 12th, 14:30 NZDT]

IdentifiedWe are receiving reports of issues across SuiteFiles Drive, our XPM integration and the Outlook add-in. We are investigating this as a top priority and waiting on more information from Microsoft as it appears to be related to a service outage on Azure. We would advise using the SuiteFiles web app during this time. [April 12th 00:50 UTC / April 12th, 12:50 NZDT]

March 24, 2022

Resolved – The performance issues previously encountered remain resolved. Please reach out to the team on if you are facing any issues.  [March 28th 04:15 UTC / March 28th, 16:00 NZDT]

Update – The performance issues across our applications are now resolved. We are closely monitoring processes and will provide further updates.  [March 24th 01:15 UTC / March 24th, 14:15 NZDT]

Identified – We have received reports of users having performance issues with SuiteFiles and our applications. We are investigating as a matter of priority and will update this page with further information soon.  [March 24th 22:25 UTC / March 24th, 11:25 NZDT]

March 23, 2022

Resolved – This issue has now been resolved. If you are still facing issues please try refreshing your page or logging out and back in to the required applications. If you continue to face an issue please contact our team at  [March 23rd 12:35 UTC / March 23rd, 13:35 NZDT]

Identified – We are currently investigating performance issues relating to all SuiteFiles apps. We are investigating as a matter of priority and will update this page with further information soon.  [March 23rd 12:11 UTC / March 23rd, 13:10 NZDT]

March 9, 2022

Resolved – The issues have now been resolved. If you are still experiencing issues please contact our team at [March 9th 4:06 UTC / March 9th, 17:06 NZDT]

Identified – We are currently investigating performance issues relating to all SuiteFiles apps. We are investigating as a matter of priority and will update this page with further information soon.  [March 9th 01:37 UTC / March 9th, 14:37 NZDT]

March 7, 2022

UpdateIf you are still experiencing issues with the SuiteFiles Drive please refer to our Troubleshooting Guide for steps to resolve, or contact our team at [March 9th 4:06 UTC / March 9th, 17:06 NZDT]

IdentifiedWe are currently investigating intermittent performance issues relating to the SuiteFiles Drive app. If you are currently experiencing issues accessing SuiteFiles Drive, we recommend switching to the SuiteFiles Web App to edit and upload your files.

If you are seeing a message saying you are deactivated in Drive, please try resetting your access token following these steps, then logging out and back into the Drive following these steps  [March 6th 21:05 UTC / March 7th, 10:05 NZDT]

March 3, 2022

Resolved – Microsoft has stated “We’ve completed making network configuration updates to remediate the problem. Subsequent user reports and our internal service telemetry show that this action was successful and that service is restored.”  SuiteFiles access should be resolved across all our apps. If you are still having trouble accessing the Web App please try refreshing your browser by pressing CTRL F5, or contact our team at for further assistance. [March 3rd, 00:08 UTC / March 3rd, 13:08 NZDT]

Update – Microsoft has applied an update, and we’re seeing SuiteFiles access back for most customers. If you are still experiencing issues you may like to check Microsoft’s updates on Twitter here [March 2nd, 23:40 UTC / March 3rd, 12:40 NZDT]

Identified – There is a current SharePoint outage, which will affect SuiteFiles customers’ access too all of our apps. We will update you here as soon as we receive confirmation that this issue has been resolved.  [March 2nd, 21:58 UTC / March 3rd, 10:58 NZDT]

January 27th, 2022

Identified/Resolved – SuiteFiles customers may have experienced trouble accessing the Web App between 11:35am – 11: 45am NZDT today. The issues have now been resolved.  If you are still having trouble accessing the Web App please try refreshing your browser by pressing CTRL F5, or contact our team at for further assistance.   [January 26th, 22:50 UTC / January 27th, 11:50 NZDT]

December 16th, 2021

Resolved – The issues have now been resolved.  If you are still having trouble accessing our apps please try logging out and back into them (steps can be found in our troubleshooting guide here) or contact our team at for further assistance.   [December 16th, 03:09 UTC / December 16th, 16:09 NZDT]

Update – We’ve received reports that the Microsoft Outage is now resolved, you should be able to refresh your browser to gain access back to the SuiteFiles Web App. If you have been disconnected from SuiteFiles Drive, try logging back in following these steps. We’re currently working to confirm if there are any outstanding issues related to SuiteFiles access [December 16th, 02:38 UTC / December 16th, 15:38 NZDT]

Identified – We have received reports of general performance and access issues across the SuiteFiles Apps including the SuiteFiles Web App, SuiteDrive, and Outlook add-in. This is related to a current Microsoft Outage and we will update this status page once we have more information. [December 16th, 01:52 UTC / December 16th, 14:52 NZDT]

December 6th, 2021

Resolved – The SuiteFiles access issues have now been resolved. Press CTRL F5 on your browser if you’re not able to access SuiteFiles straight away. If you are still experiencing issues please contact our team at  [December 5th, 23.22UTC / December 6th, 12:22pm NZDT]

Identified – We have received reports of users experiencing issues with accessing the SuiteFiles Web App. Our team are currently working on resolving these issues and we’ll update the status page once they have been resolved.  [December 5th, 23.06 UTC / December 6th, 12:06pm NZDT]

December 1st, 2021

Resolved – The SuiteFiles access issues have now been resolved.  If you are still experiencing issues please contact our team at  [December 1st, 07.49 UTC / December 1st, 20:49 NZDT]

Identified – We have received reports of users experiencing issues with accessing the SuiteFiles Web App. Our team are currently working on resolving these issues and we’ll update the status page once they have been resolved.  [December 1st, 06.31 UTC / December 1st, 19:31 NZDT]

November 29th, 2021

Resolved – The SuiteFiles Web App access issues have now been resolved. If you are still experiencing issues please contact our team at [November 29th, 04.16 UTC / November 29th, 17:16 NZDT]

Identified – We have received reports of users experiencing issues with accessing the SuiteFiles Web App. Our team are currently working on resolving these issues and we’ll update the status page once they have been resolved.  [November 29th, 03.39 UTC / November 29th, 16:39 NZDT]

October 14th, 2021

Resolved – The Outlook add-in performance issues have now been resolved. If you are still experiencing issues please contact our team at [October 13th , 22:28 UTC / October 14th, 11:28 NZST]

Identified – We have received reports of users experiencing issues with navigating in the SuiteFiles Outlook add-in, seeing a Loading… screen or experiencing general performance issues. Our team are currently working on resolving these issues and we’ll update the status page once they have been resolved.  [October 13th , 22:20 UTC / October 14th, 11:20 NZST]

October 12th, 2021

Resolved – Our developers have pushed an update to impacted sites. If you encounter any issues creating folders, please continue to contact our team at [October 11th , 23:12 UTC / October 12th, 12:12 NZST]

Identified – We have received reports of users seeing a loading button when attempting to create folders in the Web App. Our developers are investigating this at the moment but in the meantime, you can create folders using the SuiteFiles Outlook Add-in.

Please note, if you are experiencing a different issue such as seeing an error message when creating a folder, please contact our team at [October 11th , 22:56 UTC / October 12th, 11:56 NZST]

August 30th, 2021

Resolved– The issue with XPM Client links can be resolved by logging out and logging back into the SuiteFiles Chrome extension, using the Advanced Login option. For steps, please see this article, and contact us at if this does not resolve the issue for you.   [August 30th, 22:42 UTC / August 31st, 10:42 NZST]

Identified – We have received reports of users setting a “No client with this name in SuiteFiles” message in Xero Practice Manager (XPM). Our team are looking into this as a priority and we will update this status page as soon as possible. [August 30th, 01:41 UTC / August 30th, 13:41 NZST]

August 27th, 2021

Resolved – The Microsoft issues should now be resolved. If you are still experiencing any issues with the SuiteDrive or the Outlook add-in, please follow the steps provided below.

    1. SuiteDrive – Change your SuiteDrive port number from 80 to 90 (or 90 to 80) through the advanced settings. To do this, please follow these steps. Please note, you will need to log out of SuiteDrive to see these settings.
    2. Outlook add-in – Please log out and log back into SuiteFiles Outlook add-in by following these steps. Please use the Advanced Login option.

If you are still experiencing any issues, please contact us at [August 27th, 01:39 UTC / August 27th, 13:39 NZST]

Update – We’ve received reports that the Microsoft Outage is now resolved, we’re currently working to confirm if there are any outstanding issues related to SuiteFiles access, particularly SuiteFiles Drive [August 26th, 23:48 UTC / August 27th, 11:48 NZST]

Identified – We have received reports of general performance issues across the SuiteFiles Apps including the SuiteFiles Web App, SuiteDrive, and Outlook add-in. This could be related to a current Microsoft Outage and we will update this status page once we have more information. [August 26th, 22:58 UTC / August 27th, 10:58 NZST]

August 26th, 2021

Resolved – The issue with populating file and email templates has now been resolved. You will need to refresh your Clients list in SuiteFiles Web App in order for your client and contact data to populate file and email templates, which you can do following the steps here. Only one person for your site needs to do this and it will refresh for all users. [August 26th, 23:58 UTC / August 27th, 11:58 NZST]

Identified – We have identified an issue where file and email templates with XPM Merge Fields are not created. Our team are looking into this as a priority and we will update this status page as soon as possible. [August 26th, 02:03 UTC]

August 26th, 2021

Update – The performance issues in the Web App, SuiteFiles Outlook add-in and SuiteFiles Drive have now been resolved. If you’re still having issues accessing these apps or navigating through folders, please contact us at [August 26th, 05:14 UTC]

Identified – We are currently experiencing a spike in performance which is creating slowness in the Web App, SuiteFiles Outlook add-in and SuiteFiles Drive. This means you may have issues accessing these apps or navigating through folders.

We are looking into this as a priority and trying to stabilise this as soon as possible.

We are very sorry about this inconvenience. [August 26th, 03:15 UTC]

August 18th, 2021
Update – This issue is now resolved. If any new users are experiencing any issues with creating Folder Templates or logging into our apps, please contact us at
Update – Our developers have pushed an update to all impacted sites which should allow them to log into the SuiteFiles Outlook add-in, SuiteDrive, and Chrome Extension. To log in to our apps, please refer to the steps below:
We have identified that SuiteFiles users who have been activated from Wednesday, August 18th will have issues using folder templates, we are continuing to look into this as a priority. If you are impacted by this, please contact our team at and we will provide you with an update as soon as possible. [August 23, 01:27 UTC]

Update – Just a small update about progress being made toward this issue:

  • Our developers are currently in the final stages of testing updates to the Outlook add-in. If successful, this fix will be rolled out to all impacted sites on Monday, 23rd August.
  • Our team are continuing to investigate and address issues with logging into the SuiteFiles Chrome Extension and SuiteFiles Drive.
The SuiteFiles Web App is currently functional for all existing users. However, any new users logging into SuiteFiles for the first time may experience issues with:
  • Sharing, viewing and completing SuiteFiles Tasks
  • Creating and Sharing Connected Folders
  • Creating folders from templates
Our team will be addressing these issues with the SuiteFiles Web App as soon as possible. However, if you need assistance logging in or accessing the Web App, please let us know at
We appreciate your patience as we work to resolve these issues. [August 20, 03:27 UTC]

Update – Our developers have pushed a fix that brings full functionality back to the Web App. Users should be able to use document signing, SuiteFiles Connect, advanced search, and file templates after performing a hard refresh (Ctrl+F5), but if you are still experiencing issues, please contact us at

We are continuing to look into issues logging into the SuiteFiles Outlook Add-in, SuiteDrive and Chrome Extension and will update this page as soon as possible. [August 19, 03:12]

Update – We can confirm that the following features are impacted by this issue:

      • Logging into the SuiteFiles Outlook add-in
      • Logging into our SuiteDrive application
      • Logging into the Chrome Extension
      • Creating files from templates
      • Using our Advanced Search
      • Using SuiteFiles Document Signing and SuiteFiles Connect

The issue might also arise if you log out of some of our apps; logging back in requires a new access token to be generated, and this process is currently impacted. We therefore suggest not logging out of the Web App, Outlook add-in or SuiteDrive if this can be avoided.

Please know that our team are working on a fix for this alongside Microsoft, and we thank you for your patience as our team work on this. [August 18, 03:03 UTC]

Identified –We have identified an issue where users may be unable to log into SuiteDrive and/or the Outlook Add-in, or have trouble accessing some features in the SuiteFiles Web App. We are currently looking into this as a priority. We will update this status page once we have more information, on the features impacted and the resolution.

If you are impacted by this issue, please check back here for updates. Alternatively, you can lodge a support ticket by emailing and we can provide you with an update once it becomes available. [August 18, 00:42 UTC]

July 8th, 2021

Resolved – Xero have confirmed this issue is resolved. If you are experiencing any issues with XPM, we would recommend re-connecting our integration by following these steps. [July 08, 02:00 UTC]

Identified – Xero has identified an issue that is impacting Partner Products, including SuiteFiles. Users will be unable to see XPM icons appearing next to client folders or create file/email templates with client information stored in XPM. To learn more and keep up to date, you can visit their status page here. [July 08, 01:39 UTC]

June 10th, 2021

Resolved – Our team have confirmed that all documents should have their correct status on the Document Signing management screen. If your file is stuck ‘in progress’ please contact ur support team referencing the document name and location. [June 10th, 2:25 UTC]

IdentifiedSuper Suite users may see some Document Signing requests being marked as “In progress” on their signing management screen despite the file being signed and completed. Our developers are assessing the issue and working on resolving this as soon as possible. 

In the meantime, senders and recipients will still be receiving all email notifications, and SuiteFiles users will be able to find the final signed documents in the applicable folder. If this is not the case for you, please let us know at referencing the document name and location. [June 10th, 12:24 UTC]

April 21st, 2021

Resolved – Our developers have confirmed that functionality has returned back to normal. If you are still experiencing any issues with the SuiteFiles Web App, please let us know at [April 22nd, 03:29 UTC]

Update – Our development team have pushed an update to all UK sites and are monitoring performance over the next 12 hours. During this time, if your team experience any issues accessing or using SuiteFiles, please contact our support team. [April 21st, 13:06 UTC]

Identified – Some users in the UK may be experiencing issues logging into the SuiteFiles Outlook add-in and SuiteFiles Drive. Users may also experience issues using particular features in the Web App such as loading tasks and connecting with XPM. Our team are currently working on resolving these issues and we’ll update the status page once they have been resolved.  [April 21st, 10:21 UTC]

March 16, 2021

Resolved – Microsoft have now resolved this issue. If you are still having any issues, please contact our team and we’ll get in touch with you with further details. [March, 16 21:50 UTC]

Update – Microsoft have encountered some technical difficulties while rolling back an update. Their team are working on resolving these issues and we will update this page as we receive more information. [March, 16 20:55 UTC]

Identified – We’ve identified a Microsoft365 issue that is impacting some SuiteFiles features such as search, admin settings and user settings. We expect a fix in approximately 15 mins and will update this page once we have more information. You can also view Microsoft’s status page here: Microsoft Status Page. [March, 16 20:23 UTC]

March 09, 2021

Resolved – Our developers have found that the issue was caused due to particular settings being disabled in the SuiteFiles Chrome Extension. To resolve this, all impacted users will need to follow these steps. If you or your team are still experiencing issues logging into our apps, please contact our support team at [March, 10 01:48 UTC]

Identified – We’ve identified an issue when logging into our SuiteFiles Chrome Extension, Outlook Add-in or SuiteDrive when using the Advanced Login option. Our developers are looking into the cause and will put a resolution in place as soon as possible. We’ll continue updating this status page once we have more information. [March, 09 03:56 UTC]

February 18, 2021

Resolved – Our team have now resolved this issue. If you are still experiencing any issues with the display of the SuiteFiles Web App, please try refreshing your screen or contacting [February, 18 07:30 UTC]

Identified – We’ve identified an issue affecting the display of the SuiteFiles Web App. Our developers have found the cause and are looking at putting a resolution in place as soon as possible. In the meantime, you should be able to access your files and folders through SuiteFiles Drive or the SuiteFiles Outlook add-in. [February, 18 07:10 UTC]

February 03, 2021

Resolved – Our team have now resolved this issue. If you have any further issues using our move and copy function, please contact [February, 05 01:13 UTC]

Update – Users should be able to use the ‘last modified by’ and ‘File Size’ columns but may be experiencing issues opening folders that contain an ampersand. Our developers are investigating this and will put a resolution in place as soon as possible. [Feburary, 03 03:48]

Update – Users should now be able to see their client folders on the SuiteFiles Web App. However, our team is still investigating an issue where the ‘last modified by’ and ‘File Size’ column may be incorrect for some users. [Feburary, 02 21:36]

Identified – Our team have identified an issue where client folders are not loading in the SuiteFiles Web App for some users. This issue is only impacting the Web App, so users can still navigate to client folders through SuiteDrive and the SuiteFiles Outlook add-in.

Our developers are investigating the cause and are looking at putting a resolution in place as soon as possible. We’ll continue updating this status page but, in the meantime, you can use our Quick Search and Advanced Search to locate your Client Folders. [February, 02 03:40 UTC]

December 04, 2020

Resolved – Microsoft have now resolved this issue. If you have any further issues logging into the Web App, please contact [December, 04 04:01 UTC]

Update – We are beginning to receive reports of users being able to log into the Web App however we are still monitoring the situation and we will give you an update once we expect this to be fully resolved [December, 03 22:05 UTC]

Identified – We’ve identified a Microsoft365 issue which is impacting access to a number of sites. We will update this page once we have more information from Microsoft but you can also view their status page here: Microsoft Status Page [December, 03 21:20 UTC]

September 28, 2020

Resolved – Microsoft have now resolved this issue. If you are still having any issues logging into the SuiteFiles Web App, please contact our team and we’ll get in touch with you with further details. [September, 29 00:24 UTC]

Identified – Some users may be experiencing issues logging into the SuiteFiles web app. We’ve identified this as an Office365 issue which is impacting a number of sites. We will update this page once we have more information from Microsoft and the steps they’re working on to resolve this. You can view their status page here: Microsoft Status Page [September, 28 22:12 UTC]

September 25, 2020

Resolved – Following the issues with access to the SuiteFiles apps and functionality on Friday (NZST), we have now received confirmation from Google that our Chrome extension has been updated, and is now available to reinstall from the Chrome Web Store.
If you are currently experiencing issues with any of the following:

      • logging into SuiteFiles Drive
      • logging into the Outlook add-in
      • client folder links, renaming prompts, job and quote folder creation prompts in Xero Practice Manager and WorkflowMax.

Please remove then re-install the SuiteFiles Chrome extension following these steps.

If you are still having issues with accessing any of the SuiteFiles apps or functionality after removing and re-installing our Chrome extension, please contact us for further troubleshooting steps. [September, 27 21:47 UTC]

Update – Our team have identified and resolved the underlying cause affecting customers’ ability to access the SuiteFiles apps and functionality. We have rolled out a fix for the issues impacting the SuiteFiles Web App, SuiteFiles Outlook add-in and SuiteFiles Drive.

The SuiteFiles Chrome extension is still impacted for some customers. The issue has been fixed but we’re now awaiting approval from Google before the updated version is released. This means that Client folder links, renaming prompts, job and quote folder creation prompts may not be working in Xero Practice Manager and WorkflowMax. For now, we recommend removing the Chrome extension following these steps and we will provide an update on this issue as soon as possible.

If you are still having issues with accessing the SuiteFiles Web App, SuiteFiles Outlook add-in and SuiteFiles Drive, please refer to this article for further troubleshooting steps. [September, 25 06:26 UTC]

Update – Our developers are still assessing the issue and working on resolving this as soon as possible. We have identified and can confirm that this issue is impacting:

      • Logging into the SuiteFiles Web App
      • Logging into the SuiteFiles Outlook add-in
      • Logging into our SuiteDrive application
      • Creating files from templates
      • Renaming files and folders
      • Using our Advanced Search
      • Our SuiteFiles and XPM Integration
      • Using SuiteFiles Document Signing and SuiteFiles Connect

We thank you for your patience as our team work on this. [September, 25  01:16 UTC]

Update – We are now receiving reports of users unable to use certain features such as Document Signing, SuiteFiles Search and our XPM integration. As our developers continue working on this, users should be able to use the SuiteFiles Web App to access and edit their files. Our developers are still investigating this issue as their top priority and we will provide another update as soon as possible. [September, 24 22:26 UTC]

Identified – Some users may be experiencing issues logging into the SuiteFiles Outlook add-in and SuiteDrive. Some may also experience issues creating file templates on the SuiteFiles Web App. Our team are currently working on resolving this issue and we’ll update this status page once resolved. [September, 24 21:17 UTC]

September 15, 2020

Resolved – Microsoft have now resolved this issue. If you are still having any issues logging into our SuiteFiles Outlook Add-in, please contact our team and we’ll get in touch with you with further details. [September, 15 00:15 UTC]

Update – We have identified that the issue is related to a Microsoft Azure Outage in the UK. As they investigate this issue further, you will experience issues logging into the SuiteFiles Outlook add-in. We will update this page once we have more information from Microsoft, but in the meantime, you can follow this page for further details: Azure Status Page. [September, 14 22:13 UTC]

Identified – Outlook desktop users may be experiencing issues logging into the SuiteFiles Outlook add-in. Our team are currently working on resolving this issue with priority and we’ll update this status page once resolved. [September, 14 20:54 UTC]

June 15, 2020

Resolved – Microsoft have now resolved this issue [UTC June 15 03:21]

Identified – Some users may be experiencing issues logging into the SuiteFiles web app or accessing certain features such as tasks and document signing. We’ve identified this as an Office365 issue which is impacting a number of sites. We will update this page once we have more information from Microsoft and the steps they’re working on to resolve this. [June 14 23:30 UTC]

May 21, 2020

Resolved –  Our team have resolved the issue where users were experiencing delays in receiving signed files and notifications. Please note that some end users (signing recipients) may not have received an email notification to let them know that there is a file awaiting their signature. If this is the case, please resend the invitation by following step 4 here. [May 21 03:22 UTC]

Identified – Users will be experiencing issues with the document signing functionality where the email notifications to clients aren’t being received. This won’t affect files already out for signing but you may find a delay in receiving the signed file or any notifications. Our team are currently working on resolving this issue with priority and we’ll update this status page once resolved. [May 20, 23:08 UTC]

Apr 21, 2020

Resolved – Our Product Team have resolved the connectivity issues some users were experiencing. Please let us know if you still have any issues with this, and we’ll investigate further. [Apr 21, 01:22 UTC]

Identified – A number of users will be experiencing connectivity issues with the SuiteFiles apps e.g. SuiteFiles Web App, Outlook add-in and SuiteFiles Drive. These issues include not being able to log into the apps, or the apps running slowly. Our team are currently working on resolving these issues and we’ll update the status page once they have been resolved. [Apr 21, 00:14 UTC]

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